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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Summertime Sadness

Summer is a wonderful time of year here, my favorite in fact. I am a Summer; I thrive in it. It may feel like it only lasts a few short weeks in NYC, but we really make the most of it with trips to the beach, street festivals and markets, and plenty more fun outdoor activities. My parents and brother visited (pics in my last post) at the tail end of summer, when the temperatures literally ranged from lows in the 50’s and highs in the 90’s while Mother Nature transitioned into fall. The weather gets cooler with every passing day and I feel an annual sense of anxiety come upon me as I realize winter is on its way, and, without the sun, my hair will be turning a brownish gray. I need to remember that just because the calendar is about to read October doesn’t mean there’s nothing to look forward to until next spring.

The city has been abuzz over NY Fashion Week at Lincoln Center, which ended last week. There’s also the annual Feast of San Gennaro festival which was crazy packed last year when Jen and I went.  We actually walked my family right through the setup for it a few weeks ago in Little Italy. There are fall street festivals and markets, the NY Film Festival, and the Village Halloween Parade to look forward to. The parade had us both surprised at the amount of shocking, avant-garde costumes the first time we visited.

Apples from upstate that we got at Union Market on 7th Ave, Park Slope
But this year I think I’ll try focusing on the everyday things to get me through my farewell to summer. Seasonal items are already back (and I’m not referring to the McRib) like what is possibly the best thing to ever be served seasonally: the pumpkin spice latte. As much as I should be supporting local coffee shops, I’ll probably be getting most of mine from our Dunkin Donuts down the street. There’s also the stunning aesthetic and crunch under your feet provided by the colorful fall leaves that cover the ground.  And, most notably, fresh NY state apples create some of my favorite treats of all like ciders, crisps, cobblers, and pies.  Jen best get to bakin’!

The coming holidays, edible opportunities, and aesthetically pleasing changes that take place over this stretch provide an immense amount of inspiration to write and share. Although working full time does get in the way somewhat, I hope to have many great stories to share with you from NYC this fall.