Because I
was hired a little late in the year the request-off calendar was void of any
valuable days. This meant working the days before and after both Thanksgiving
and Christmas (so no time to travel) and spending the holidays here in NYC. It
could be worse, I know. I told Jen she could travel, as she has no trouble
getting time off, but she was nice enough to stand by her hubby for the
holidays. It’s a good thing she did! Who else would eagerly wake me with the
news that it was Christmas morning and time to open Christmas presents? We
spent the morning happily opening gifts from each other and my family while
listening to classic Christmas songs and the crackling fire (on our TV). We
spent the rest of the day in our warm apartment relaxing, talking to family,
and sipping Jen’s concocted cider and eggnog.
Working the
day before and after Christmas made the holiday feel too insignificant; less
like Christmas to us and more like a really extravagant day off. But I don’t
know if we’ll ever have a more stress free, do-what-we-want kind of Christmas
ever again so we’re grateful for the variety. Next year is looking more
promising…. to my coworker’s surprise, weeks before this year’s holidays, I requested
both Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014 off. I was only approved for Christmas but
am not worried about Thanksgiving, considering I have a year to change my boss’s
Happy New