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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Roll Out

.I decided to write a quick post while we are waiting for our sushi rice to dry. I bought Jen a kit a while back and finally going to make our own sushi today. It's quite the process and takes a few hours. Let's see, this weekend is flying by. Worked Saturday then watched a little Dexter last night. Friday night Jen and I went on a date, dinner and a movie. We ate at Bonefish (yum) thanks to my client Betty Lou who gave us a certificate. Then went to see Avatar. I hadn't heard a bad thing about it and after seeing it I would agree that it's unlike anything I've seen. Don't worry, no spoilers if you haven't seen it. The graphics and colors are amazing. We decided against paying like $15 to see it in 3D IMAX and our "normal" theater's sound was muffled and you could hear the ticking of the projector. It's also just shy of 3 hours long so get comfy. Surprisingly, we made it through the whole movie without a bathroom break. Yoga is this afternoon and might be the perfect end to this weekend. Alright, off to chop some fresh organic veggies for the rolls. I'll post a pic to this post later if they turn out OK

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hold Your Applause

I started my taxes tonight, good times. I read that in 2009 some had less tax taken out throughout the year which sounds great, until you realize that just means you’ll get less back when you file. As of right now, and I’m almost done, I owe around $75. I was not expecting that. Whatever, I understand as much about taxes as I do the things Obama was saying during the State of the Union Address. He is a great speaker. Not so good that I want to stand up and applaud after every sentence, but the things he says sound good. Who knows what’s really going on, what he’s not saying or if what he is saying is the truth? Take it all in with a grain of salt people. And that’s enough politics for me, moving on.

I have a few possibilities open for housing which is exciting. Astoria is looking the most attractive right now. Still looking for a job and learning that it might have to be something I find once I get there. I have found many great opportunities but they are looking to fill them now, not in 4 weeks. We shall see.

I started handing out my business cards with my blog address and email today after classes. I figure the more people that know I’m moving the better. Shout out to Delores who told me, “my run is so central park” during tread n shed. It was funny, and then I got really distracted by thoughts of running through the park. It’s interesting how different teaching a class and taking one is for instructors. After teaching all day I took Yoga and will definitely miss that. I do so much better when I take the time to warm up and stretch before class. I know Yoga is huge in NYC and quite competitive from what I hear. Shout out to Ann Hodges for the great classes and providing a private one on the beach the morning of our wedding. I highly recommend it! We were so calm all day, everyone noticed.

This post has more shout out’s than the Price is Right. Ha. I’m supposed to be up in about 6 hours to open the spa in the morning so that’s all folks.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Pup!

Today was Pup's 5th birthday. After church we took her to East Lk Cafe where she barked at a wiener dog and ate some people food. We made her a mini meal from our plates and then got a dirty look from one of the waitress's for letting her eat off the bread plate. Whatever, you wash them don't you? It would be different if the staff was actually people friendly. They need a better cafe in Palm Harbor, among many other things.
So anyway, we chilled after that and later went to the Cappello's for dinner where she had roast beef. Like a true American, eating her way through her birthday.
Right now she's asleep on Jen who has, as Jen would say,"boo boo belly." Next b-day Pup will be in NYC which is pretty much cool cafe capitol of the world. Eat that East Lk Cafe.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Work Work Work

So I haven’t posted in a while, not that things have been boring. I’m just getting ready for the big move, putting in my last few weeks at the spa, and enjoying the married life. I will give my official notice this coming week.
Outside of work I’ve been in serious work and house hunting mode. Just like I thought I have gotten tons of great feedback for housing but not so much for a job. It takes some weeding to get through the crap people send to the legitimate stuff but craigslist has been great for finding people in need of a roommate or subleasing. I think I will have a place within the next week or two.
Finding the right job is going to be a little more challenging. I have never had trouble getting one (or quitting one for that matter ha) and think the process is fun. I love change, maybe too much. I heard recently that there are a couple jobs for every one person in the city which is encouraging. I think D.C. was the only city with a better job market but can’t remember. I won’t even say where the big cities in FL landed on that list! Not that I’m that into horoscopes, in fact I think they are crap, but the other day it was dead on. It mentioned how exciting this year will be but that I should not get so giddy and over-think things, but just feel. Well, I feel like I would like to work in a luxury hotel in the city so that’s what I’m going for right now. So far I’ve applied to five or so big ones with no response so far but we’ll see. Sadly, The W Hotel had no positions open that I was qualified for but I’m not giving up on them.
The clock is ticking and I’m just soaking up the last few weeks here. Thank you, again, members of the spa who have been so supportive and grateful. It’s everyday that I get another great lead or gift or meet a guest that’s from the city. It’s a small world after all.
P.S. Ugly Betty was filming in Long Island City this week.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heart-attacks on a Plane

So not only did the first leg of my trip seem cursed but so did this post. I wrote it “on location” in the airport and then accidentally replaced it with a blank file when I got home. Blah!

Why does it seem like nothing can just go as planned? Things were fine until the pilot announced that our 6:50 takeoff would have to be postponed until the frost melted off the wings. So there we sat waiting for the sun to come up high enough to melt the ice off. Ok, now the ice is gone but not so fast. The surgeon sitting behind me is summoned to help a lady who, it turns out, is having a claustrophobia induced heart-attack. We couldn’t take off with that going on so we went back to the gate again to meet paramedics.

Instead of arriving at 9:15 we landed at noon. I quickly hailed a cab and, a mere 3 hours late to orientation, I was predicting I’d be given some trouble at the school. After a little, ok a lot of explaining, begging, arguing I was finally seen by advisors and pretty much spent the rest of Monday hopping from department to department getting setup. After all my hard work and stressing, I did treat myself to some exploring in Manhattan. With its excitement, hustle and bustle I was reminded why I’ve dreamed of living there.

I didn’t venture too far from Grand Central, where I had dinner, but got to hit up some of my favorite stores in search of winter clothes. H&M and ZARA off 5th avenue deserve a mention since we don’t even have the former in FL and our ZARA isn’t 11,000 sq ft. Around 8 I headed back to my hotel in LIC and got to Skype with Jen before calling it a night. Skype is cool, Google it. Tuesday I was up at 7 and spent the morning back at school getting as much face to face guidance as I could before heading home.

The transportation there is so reliable that the hotel desk suggested I take the subway and bus to the airport. In about 40 minutes and $4.50 later I made it with no problems. With the cab ride around $25, whiplash and road rage included, I actually preferred the subway. My flight back was flawless thank God. Safe and sound in Palm Harbor (yawn), I’m happy to be back with Jen and Pup. What a difference a day makes!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

Ice on the windshield in the morning and highs in the 40's. I don't remember it getting this cold last year, but I probably say that every year. I shouldn't complain though. I HATE cold weather and need the practice. My blood needs to thicken and I need to perfect my layering skills.

Pretty typical of someone born and raised in Florida, I only have one warm winter jacket, too much cotton and not enough wool. I want to wait until I'm in NY to buy anything else because the shopping and selection there is crazy. I need another big coat or parka and boots that will stand up against snow or rain.

In less than one week I'll be in NY for orientation and registration. Once I have my class schedule I can plan so much more, like what kind of job I want and what my availability will be. Looking forward to everything about my move but the cold. The weather in Palm Harbor will be chilly for at least the next week! On the bright side, maybe this cold is exactly what I need and NY won't feel like such a drastic change.