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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hold Your Applause

I started my taxes tonight, good times. I read that in 2009 some had less tax taken out throughout the year which sounds great, until you realize that just means you’ll get less back when you file. As of right now, and I’m almost done, I owe around $75. I was not expecting that. Whatever, I understand as much about taxes as I do the things Obama was saying during the State of the Union Address. He is a great speaker. Not so good that I want to stand up and applaud after every sentence, but the things he says sound good. Who knows what’s really going on, what he’s not saying or if what he is saying is the truth? Take it all in with a grain of salt people. And that’s enough politics for me, moving on.

I have a few possibilities open for housing which is exciting. Astoria is looking the most attractive right now. Still looking for a job and learning that it might have to be something I find once I get there. I have found many great opportunities but they are looking to fill them now, not in 4 weeks. We shall see.

I started handing out my business cards with my blog address and email today after classes. I figure the more people that know I’m moving the better. Shout out to Delores who told me, “my run is so central park” during tread n shed. It was funny, and then I got really distracted by thoughts of running through the park. It’s interesting how different teaching a class and taking one is for instructors. After teaching all day I took Yoga and will definitely miss that. I do so much better when I take the time to warm up and stretch before class. I know Yoga is huge in NYC and quite competitive from what I hear. Shout out to Ann Hodges for the great classes and providing a private one on the beach the morning of our wedding. I highly recommend it! We were so calm all day, everyone noticed.

This post has more shout out’s than the Price is Right. Ha. I’m supposed to be up in about 6 hours to open the spa in the morning so that’s all folks.

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