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Sunday, June 20, 2010


If there is one thing that has been consistent in the last few days it would be our U-Hual adventures. We will have had it for almost a week when we return it tomorrow. I feel oddly comfortable driving it, considering driving in NYC is like being in an obstacle course. Once it was unloaded we could use it to buy large things that we needed like a sofa, storage, or whatever. Our first outing was to The Home Depot to buy copies of keys that don't work. Then we went to Brooklyn to buy a wardrobe that the seller, Clifford, measured incorrectly so we didn't realize that it wouldn't fit into our bedroom until we got there and measured for ourselves. A couple good things came out of this trip though. The views of the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge from the highway were amazing.  Plus, we ended up meeting a couple of dudes at the sale that needed help getting a sofa back to their place so we made a little money taking it for them.

Tonight we bought an Ikea wardrobe from Mary Anne who lives in Harlem. If you can believe it, Jen already has it packed full of her clothes and bags. This craiglister's 'hood was a little ghetto but she was nice and helped us shlep it down two flights and into the uhual. She's from St. Pete FL, what a small world!

What else... our downstairs neighbors are loser fifty-year-olds that smoke pot ALL THE TIME. Oh, and I lost my unlimited metrocard which had another ten days left on it.

Jen's here with me now so I guess I can take down my countdown clock. I asked her to edit this post for me but she's tired from all the unpacking she did today and got grumpy about half way through.

I'll try to add some requested pics of our bedroom wall now that it's finished. The living room and kitchen are not even close to being done, although we are U-Hauling it to pick up a sofa in the morning.

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