It just so happened that I had the last three consecutive days off from work. I did a whole lot of nothing which was nice; not really nothing, just nothing that eventful. I took Pup to the dog park and then gave her a much needed bath, did a lot of reading, and yesterday spent some time in Sunnyside for the first time since moving. Everything looked very lush and green, especially in comparison to Vernon Blvd, LIC (our street).
Last night we attended the first of our church’s new foundations bible study. It’s Jen’s first ever bible study and has a lot of our friends in it which is fun. After that we watched our latest “Netflix,” Date Night (Steve Carell and Tina Fay). I thought it was alright, a little less funny than it could have been. Jen said I didn’t even crack a smile, ha.
The weather here right now is awesome when you’re dressed appropriately and this morning when I went running with Jen I obviously wasn’t. When my ears are exposed in the cold and I exercise I get the worst pain in my ears, a headache, and a feeling like the sides of my head are in a clamp. I came home, did some research, and apparently the bones on the side of your head and your ears are full of nerves that are very sensitive to cold temperature and some people, like me, have issues with them. And after Fall comes Winter… great!
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