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Saturday, December 18, 2010


It’s cold, but I’m not miserable yet. Jen loves the weather and Pup just hates having to wear her sweaters. As soon as we put one on her, she becomes comatose. Wednesday night we had our first snow shower of the season which was quite the event for us Floridians. Here’s a pick out our window at our neighbors new, detailed car. It was just enough snow to stick without being gross the following days. It’s all gone now but maybe some snow tomorrow?

Also shown is a pic of Pup we couldn’t resist posting. This week we had an overwhelming amount of laundry to do so we packed it all up in our suitcase so we could roll it. Pup was a huge help.

The most fun news of the week is that Friday night I served my most A-list celebrity so far. Matthew Broderick joined a party of about ten guests around midnight. I walked over to the table to offer the newest member a drink when I realized who I was talking to. In my head I was like OMG, but played it cool and mixed a few Ketel One martinis (with a twist) at his request. I was hoping his wife Sarah Jessica Parker would make an appearance, although I don’t think there was much room for her at his table full of gay men (and a few women that love them) giving him hugs and kisses. Just saying…

The security had to be increased upstairs in my section due to a group of drunk fifty year olds that kept stalking him (and also asked me if I was Justin Timberlake, and then Sean Penn? Ha!) Anyway, there was no way I could get a live pic of him so you’ll just have to live with this stock photo and take my word for it.

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