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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heat Wave!

Manhattan has looked so polluted and far away from our neighborhood the past few days, I assume because of the high humidity and heat. As you’ve probably heard it’s really hot here. It’s not just Florida hot, but crazy hot. Jen and I came home yesterday and said the same thing to each other; that it felt like you were stuck in the wave of stifling heat left behind by a city bus. That’s pretty much the best way to describe it, miserable. Con Edison, our power provider, reported overall electric use peaked at 13,189 megawatts at 4 p.m. Friday, eclipsing the all-time record of 13,141 MW set on August 2, 2006. I don’t really know what megawatts are but it sound like a lot. I was afraid the city would have a total black out like what I heard happened a few years ago and that there would be total insanity everywhere. I guess there’s still time. We tried to conserve but even on low our a/c was running all day. I saw a lot of frozen water bottles, wet towels, and even people walking down the block without shirts or pants… it’s true.

I worked tonight. I work tomorrow night. Maybe something fun will come up tomorrow or Sunday. Or maybe I’ll just sit in our climate controlled apartment and eat ice.

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