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Saturday, September 3, 2011

From Chelsea to Flushing

Lately in our community there has been some buzz about two big bad corporations coming to our hood. No, one of them isn't Walmart. Dunkin Donuts and Subway will be opening in LIC soon and are getting people worried that they'll ruin things for small business. I say if your place is good enough, national or local, the people will come. To view the actual news clip which features alot of Vernon Blvd (our street) and many of our great small businesses click here. Shout out to Cranky's, I love that place. Also, a warning that the link might put you in the mood for donuts.

What's new? Well, I've been working, running, and taking yoga more often lately which is great. Jen's current employer/coworkers are sad that she's leaving soon but she's getting pretty excited for the change. Last night we went way downtown to the financial district to do some playing in Jen's soon to be work neighborhood. The Fed building just looks like big, scary money and the security is pretty impressive too. For dinner we took a cab down Fulton to the South Street Seaport, an area full of shopping, restaurants, and lots of action right on the water with amazing views of the Brooklyn Bridge. The pic doesn't do it justice. We had some mediocre seafood at a place that starts with an S... Sequoia maybe? We are beginning to accept the truth that NY has nothing on FL when it comes to seafood.

I'm on Setup, teardown, and ushering at church tomorrow morning and then working tomorrow afternoon. Jen's also helping in kids tomorrow at church. Blah... I mean woohoo! Maybe something fun like the beach on Labor Day, weather permitting!

Oh, one last random thing about why I love NYC. Our drugstore (Duane Reade) puts clever city themed slogans on their products. For example, I had a good laugh a few days ago when I noticed our toilet paper wrapping said, "From Chelsea to Flushing."  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. It's your job to frequent and undergird the locals. We have a new Subway in our hood. Very convenient..in the Publix plaza. It's new, it's clean with owner standing by making sure everything is ship-shape. We love the proximity, but we don't deviate from our other favorites. It's what we call our new favorite. We spread the love. They all get our money. By the way, listen to Alison Krause's song titled New Favorite sometime. In fact, the album is New Favorite. It will get in your head. Love you both, WOW
