I’m really enjoying my time off. For a few weeks I actually have the time to explore music artists that I like, catch up on yoga/exercise, and learn how to use my new camera. I’ve been talking about learning more about photography and getting a semi-professional camera for so long, last week Jen told me to just buy one already. Enter Craigslist. On this online garage sale like website I found a Canon Rebel XTi with upgraded sd card , lens, and even a tripod for about a third of what it would be new. Wednesday I met with the seller in his Flatiron work neighborhood at Madison Sq Park. After he had showed me how it works and assured me it was in good condition, I decided to purchase it. When he left I found myself in a city park with so much photographic potential that I hung out and played with the camera for a few hours.
Jen “flexed” last Friday which basically means we have a three day weekend together. Friday, after spending the morning getting those pesky essentials (GTL!) out of the way, we went to Chelsea Market and the Highline Park. Jen went to look at some new baking stuff while I took my camera to the Highline. It’s got to be one of the best places to take pictures in the city. I’ll include some pictures later, after I figure out how to do so, ha. I’m in the process of deciding which online photo sharing website would be best. The picture quality from my new camera is obviously much better than what’s taken by my phone.
Tonight Jen and I gave into those tempting “All you can eat shrimp” commercials for Red Lobster and did just that, literally. With the average, or medium sized shrimp containing little fat and only 6 calories (I looked it up while at the table) a person can actually eat quite a few of those little guys. The way the restaurant tries to slow your refills is with the heavy shrimp fettuccini alfredo, breaded and fried shrimp, and of course those notoriously irresistible cheddar bay biscuits. Although I found it physically impossible to eat less than three biscuits, we were otherwise smart about our all you can eat approach. I don’t think I’ll be wanting shrimp for a while.
The clientele at this particular Red Lobster, Queens, NY is always interesting. For example, as her eyes darted nervously around the room, the mother sitting next to us gave her young son a very important lesson from the streets: "It's important that I sit facing the door so I can see who's come'n and go'n, and then when you're grown you can watch my back." Can't learn that sh*t on Sesame Street kids.
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