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Friday, October 12, 2012

"There's No Tomorrow, There's Just Today"

How did I let a week go by without writing? Shame shame. The days go by so quickly at my current clinical assignment that I’m not surprised. Just four more weeks left. I haven’t once checked the clock and thought to myself that time was going by slowly. I have, on the other hand, looked down at my watch and thought, “It’s already 11? I have three more patients to treat, a two week progress note to write, and HMO paperwork to complete all before lunch!” There’s always something for me to do which I like. It’s a different kind of busy than the mundane business I was used to at outpatient, sport/orthopedic clinics. The treatment of patients with a past medical history and precautions a mile long is obviously much more involved and interesting. I’m really liking Lutheran Med and hoping they hire me.

The patients are much more entertaining to me in an inpatient setting. I treat an old man for general weakness secondary to surgery that started out so weak and quiet. Now we can’t get him to stop talking or singing random songs from “There’s No Tomorrow” by Dean Martin (his favorite) and “The Star Spangled Banner.” He loves to talk about old movies, many of which I know thanks to my black-and-white-obsessed Mother. I was naming the old movies I like per his request (all the ones I had seen pretty much) during a walk. When I mentioned, “All About Eve” he almost fell over, exclaiming that it was his favorite movie of all time and for the rest of the day wouldn’t stop rattling off every Betty Davis movie. He’s quite the character and he’s not even one of the mental patients. Maybe I’ll talk about my favorite crazy in my next post.

The hospital is just a few blocks from the water among a lot of old warehouses, shipping docks, and a navy yard. As Brooklyn was developed long before the island of Manhattan, many of the old, dilapidated brick buildings along the water have dates laid in them from the early and mid 1800’s. With nice views of downtown, The Statue of Liberty, and Jersey, when the weather is warm (not today!) it’s nice to spend some of my lunch break walking around by the water.

We are going to my cousin Kelly’s wedding this weekend near Atlanta. Tonight Jen dropped Pup off with her friends that are dog-sitting for us until Monday. She said it was hard to say goodbye. Pup always looks longingly at Jen, even when I'm taking her on a walk she knows Jen’s not going on. I Guess we know who Pup loves more... naturally. I’m sure Pup will do just fine and have a great time as a Jersey girl for the weekend.

I've been wanting to try some more new things with my Powerdirector 10 video producer and this weekend should give me some footage to play around with. I'll try to edit and post a video by the end of next week so stay tuned.

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