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Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Rebuke Driving Drama!

Jen has gone to Herald Square for a bit, giving me plenty of peace and quiet to write about the driving drama we experienced, as promised. I'm not a superstitious person so I hate to say that our road trip to Virginia is cursed but at a certain point one must wonder. I can already hear my mother declaring, "That's a bad confession, I rebuke it!" Well, both our drives to and from VA this year were so horrific that a person could potentially, as they say in the South, loose his religion.

The trip began with a promising start. For one, I left work early the night before (my last night at Bourbon St!) which is a very important step to ensuring an overall pleasant drive. If I don't get close to eight hours of sleep, things are not pretty... Jen can attest to this. Second, Enterprise Rent-A-Car was very organized, upgraded us to a midsize sedan, and had me in and out within fifteen minutes. Third, we actually left the house ahead of schedule and experienced little traffic getting out of NYC that Saturday morning. The car's low tire pressure light did come on just seconds after I started the car, but Jen did a quick walk around and the tires looked fine. Plus, those pressure sensors are too sensitive anyway. Right? Let's go!

We were cruising along in our roomy Dodge sedan, making great time, when Jen and I decided we should get off at the next best exit for a food/ bathroom break. As we approached the turn towards Long John Silvers (I was pretty excited about eating there for some strange reason) and a Shell gas station we heard a strange noise coming from the back of the vehicle. Imagine the sound a completely flat tire makes in motion... got it?... that's exactly what our car sounded like. I pulled over at Shell and Jen quickly jumped out to find a blown rear, passenger side tire. Long story short, by the time we spoke with the 1-800 Enterprise people, unloaded our full trunk, replaced the flat with the 55 mph spare, got the flat into the small space provided by the spare and then reloaded the trunk, drove to an Enterprise-approved Firestone service station in rural PA, and got back on track, we were delayed by about three hours. At this point I figured out why we were "upgraded" and given such quick service. Why God, why!? So much for making good time. But hey, it could always be worse right?

As for our Rexrode family Christmas, it was a very typical, wonderful vacation. Thank you family for all you did for us and all those nice gifts. It's too much! I brought my video camera and you'll just have to wait, on the edge of your seat no doubt, for the Rexrode Christmas 2012 video to be premiered (hopefully before the end of this week) here on RexrodeAndTheCity.
Much like the beginning of our trip to Virginia, we were making great time on the way back to NYC. So much so that we were convinced that, even if we hit a little traffic, we could make it home in less than seven hours for once. HA! Not if the Lincoln Tunnel had anything to do with it. We came to a complete stop at the tolls before the tunnel and sat there for so long that I had to get out and pee on the side of the road and Jen had to... well she won't let me tell that part of the story, sorry. Lol. It's a strange feeling going numero uno with your back to the hundreds of people watching you from their cars. Lets just say it's not for guys with stage fright. Anyway, after the toll we occasionally crept along at 2 mph all the way to the entrance to the tunnel. All in all it was about a three hour delay. Sound familiar? Ya, we left Granny's at 11 AM and got home around 9 PM. What we went through could be used as some kind of sick anxiety/stress training for the military or something. I think I'd rather be water boarded. But hey, as I always say, it could be worse right?

Like I said in my last post, I was wishing for normalcy this holiday season. In terms of normalcy I feel like I got the equivalent of a stocking full of coal. But hey, it could always be worse right? We're happy, healthy, now have lots of nice new things from Christmas, and looking forward to the new year.

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