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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Trophy Hubby

What's new? Well not too much. As you know I'm done with school, waiting on my temporary license to practice, and doing a lot of studying in the meantime. I get a permanent license after I take the board exam in early April. To get a temp license though, the college must send the necessary documents stating I did graduate to the NY Office of Professions in Albany. There are delays in this whole process (of course!) due to "Super-storm Sandy" forcing the school to close for two weeks during my final semester. I'm turning lemons into lemonade, though, (I must really like lemonade) and using this time to prepare for that scary exam I take in a few months.

As you may also know, I left Bourbon St before the holidays. I have no job, no school, and a pretty wide open schedule. Yes, it is as amazing as it sounds. I've always felt like I must be productive in some way, so I keep myself busy. I'm looking for a job, we're considering moving, I have another round of runway shows in March to prepare for, and a huge priority, the board exam in April. On top of that I have the responsibilities that come with what I refer to as my new title, Trophy Husband.

Now a Trophy Husband is much different than a Trophy Wife. (Yes, official titles are capitalized). Let me tell you, it's no life of luxury. We aren't showing up at corporate luncheons as status symbols or spending the day shopping. We are in the trenches! Grocery shopping and laundry (not small feats in NYC), cleaning house, walking the dog, checking things off the honey-do list, and holding down the house apartment are just a few of the things we do day after day while our wives are at work.

To be honest, it's no walk in the park but I don't hate it either. I can do the things I need to do in the order I prefer. Naturally, Jen likes that I'm around more often and that chores are already done when her days off roll around. So, Jen, it's simple. Just bring home roughly twice as much money and we can keep this charade going. Done.

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