Second, starting this year the (evil) federation that makes
the Physical Therapy Board exams began providing a free score report that
students can view online ten days after their exam. Yesterday makes ten days so
I thought for sure it would be available by today… nope. I’m dying to know just
how well I did on my Board exam. It doesn't really matter, I’m just curious. No
one will ever ask for my score, it’s the license they care about.
As I flipped open my computer to write an email asking
the federation what the hold-up was, I got a text from a classmate that said
our license numbers were posted. What!? I didn't expect to have a license
number for another couple of weeks. I pulled up the license verification page
on the NY State Office of Professions, typed in my last name and there it was,
my official license number. Forget the score, I’m officially licensed!
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