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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Easy Breezy

As proud residents of NYC, Jen and I get excited to show people around, especially if it’s their first time here. Our friend Ashley escaped her big city, DC, to spend this past weekend with us and because it was her first time here, we had a lot of ground to cover. We did many classic touristy things like eating a big pretzel while walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (beautiful!), having authentic Chinese food in Chinatown (crazy), and grabbing a cupcake at the original Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich Village(high calorie). Yes, food was involved in almost everything we did! We also visited Time Square, Grand Central, Central Park, Soho, Wall St., and The Statue of Liberty. Ash was up for anything and a trooper, “Easy, breezy,” as she put it. We enjoyed doing the things that make the city great but that we take for granted because we live here.

In neighborhood news, we have two new restaurants that opened up on our street, Corner Bistro and Petey’s Burgers. We had veggie burgers from Petey’s last night which were good. We were ready to try the sweet potato fries too but were disappointed they had already run out. The Wyndham hotel I interviewed at is still not open and looks like it’s going to be a few more weeks. Good thing I didn’t put all my eggs in that basket.

The classes I’m taking for the next 12 weeks (my last 2!) are going to be intense. They’re “capstone” courses which means they tie together and test us on pretty much everything we’ve learned so far. I have almost ten exams and practicals and a ten page research paper among other fun things this semester. Bla.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fushion Show Video

If a picture is worth a thousand words then this video will do way more than anything I could write about the Fusion show. Enjoy!

Rexrode in Fusion Show 2012 from Matt Rexrode on Vimeo.
Thanks to Parson's stylist, designer, friend and coworker Blair Moore for telling me about the show and the model open call.

Thank you Jen for being so supportive through the whole process, going to EVERY show, and taking so much great footage

Also, thank you Jackie and John, my sister and brother in-law for giving me this great video production software for Christmas.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mexican Shower

New York City is such a densely populated place that never seems to stop growing. With so many residents, and not to mention visitors, there must be constant changes to the city’s infrastructure to keep things running smoothly. A perfect example would be all the action we’ve been hearing every morning, all week long on the street outside of our bedroom window. Apparently a major sewer line had to be upgraded including parts that were in our building’s basement. Of course, before the workers could get to the sewer system they had to start their morning by breaking up the concrete… with jackhammers… not one, not two, but THREE of them! I took a picture to forever capture the classic NYC moment. I’d also like to note how much fun I had “showering” for work using bottles of water that I filled up at a bodega that had running water. The water is back on though so it’s all good.

If you happened to watch or hear about Angelina Jolie at the Oscars, I think you'll enjoy the second pic below...