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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Fat Tuesday!

I didn't want to work Mardi Gras at the restaurant tonight as last year was said to be a madhouse and not much more lucrative than any other night. I didn't even have to request it off, though, because it's outside of my new availability now that my two week break from school is over. Just in time! Today was a really nice day which usually adds to the size of the crowd. I plan on checking in to see how it is at work later tonight.

I'm now quite glad I took the time to tell you about the Times Square sheep art installation in my previous post, as I just so happen to have a crazy follow up story. Read the article below from The Gothamist, keeping in mind that Taylor is (was?) a bartender at my restaurant, Bourbon St Bar and Grill.

Times Square Sheep Decapitated Via Roundhouse Kick!
Yesterday a woman roundhouse kicked one of the 24 paper sheep currently set up in Times Square as part of a week-long installation. According to the NY Post, the woman—Taylor Galary—decapitated the sheep with her foot at around 7 a.m., then tried to flee in a cab. The 22-year-old was charged with criminal mischief. But to be fair, she was dared to do it. At press time it's unclear whether this was an escalated double-dog dare, or just a standard dare.
The remaining 23 sheep will be in Times Square until March 7th, as long as there are no copycat incidents.

Other online articles state she was charged with a felony and also facing charges for something else in another state, one she wasn't supposed to leave. Oh, the professionals of the food and beverage industry.

Here's a little more comic relief for the day (pic). Jen and I were in line at Duane Reade over the weekend when the fashionable clothing of the ladies in front of us caught our attention. This picture doesn't even do it justice. I mean what were they thinking? I don't know if a power outage in a windowless apartment would be a sufficient excuse. I'll let you guess what nationality they were. :)


  1. Hey there it's carey pierson your long lost cousin... I've been told several times to check your blog out.. Very cool looks like your loving NY and enjoying every minute ;)

  2. Hey Carey! Hmm, I wonder who so adamantly told you to read my blog?... If I ever need an advertising manager I will hire Nana :) School will get in the way of alot of fun this year, but ya were love'n it.
