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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Wednesday night our pretty mild weather turned cold and windy which meant few people were on the streets and it was slow at work. The whole floor upstairs was cut and closed by 9:30 and we left with very little. The good side was that I got to come home early for once and spend time with Jen. We watched The Social Network, the Netflix movie we had been looking forward to getting for a while. It made me want to start my own business, something Jen and I have considered many times but always talk ourselves out of because of the intimidating start up costs. Maybe next year. Anyway, we recommend the movie!

I've been more interested in modern art lately and I literally stumbled upon some more on the way to work yesterday in Times Square. It's a really interesting handmade exhibit called "Counting Sheep" by an Asian artist. (pic) As you can imagine, farm animals really stick out in the middle of Manhattan.

This morning I volunteered at AC&C and did lots of dog walking. The big pit bull mixes in adoptions are generally friendly and dopey but, like Pup, it's the little ones you have to watch. There was one lone min-pin mix in the small dog room and I soon learned why this cute dog hadn't been adopted. The dog was very aggressive in the crate and showed it's teeth when I went for the latch. With the help of an employee and some treats, though, I coaxed it out and got it leashed up. It was actually sweet once out of the crate and walking around outside. I always forget to take pics, although we're not supposed to have our phones on us while with an animal.

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