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Monday, May 2, 2011


Although it’s pretty chilly today, the weather here has been beautiful. Yesterday afternoon between church and work Jen and I went to the park and wore shorts and sandals for the first time in about six months! It was a good feeling. There are always New Yorkers though who choose to dress like it’s still freezing out. For example, take this woman (pic) who I was sitting across from on the train the other day. I don't even think they had the air on in there. Cookoo for coco puffs.

This weekend Jen noticed that her phone wasn’t charging when she plugged it in. After a little, or a lot of “rig’n” I got it to charge again. (pic) We had a good laugh at this one and joked at how easy this will be to do every night. Jen's brother took her upgrade...

Jen’s family is in town from FL for Cousin Lisa’s first communion. Because I took next weekend off for it, I decided to work last night which is where I was when I heard the news that Osama is dead. I agree that it’s a time to celebrate and that we must also be careful, but I can’t help but wonder if what CNN or MSNBC news is told to report is ever the true story. This war we are fighting is still against terrorism right? Ok, that’s just my opinion and about as far as I go with politics, ha.

Jen’s birthday is this Sunday, May 8th! I think I have some good ideas and need to do some shopping this week.

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