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Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Maybe we just haven't visited the right one, but we don't think we're really museum people. We are interested, though, in the history of NYC so today we visited The Museum of the City of New York. It's on the border of East Harlem/Upper East Side, an area that seemed a little sketchy on our walk there from the 6 train. Jen actually asked me if we were still in Manhattan. After having our bag checked and paying admission we realized that much of the museum was under construction. The sections that were open included a weird Asian influence exhibit, furniture and home interiors prior to 1906 (what happened to post 1906?), and a women of fashion exhibit that Jen was a little dissapointed with. Other than a really cool, 3-screen video presentation about the city's growth over the past couple hundred years, we wouldn't recommend it.

The ride home was interesting. After moving from one end of the car to the other to avoid a smelly, overly-madeup crazy lady, a man very aggressively asked Jen, "What are you lookin' at? What are you lookin' at me for?" Jen told him she, in fact, was not looking at him and he winked at her. He then started yelling, "Speak English! I said speak English," to a quaint pair of Asian ladies who were conversing between themselves. After a few minutes he moved on to a Spanish couple, saying the same thing and calling them Spicks. We switched cars at the next stop.

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