I usually avoid nights out with the crazies I work with, but Friday was Carl and Sam's last day at the restuarant before returning to Ireland. I did have a lot of fun but I hated sleeping my Saturday away after getting in around five in the morning. Poor Jen was supposed to meet me out but I didn't get cut until after 1 so she was, "All dressed up with no where to go." She started getting ready around 9:45 because she was so excited. She said she felt like such a loser when she ended up taking all her make-up off and just going to bed.
Saturday night we went to the East Village with friends for Indian food and dessert at 16 Handles (again ha). 16 flavors of frozen yogurt + tons of toppings all by the ounce = awesome.
Sunday I worked setup at church before heading to real work at night. I hate foreigners, and that thought pretty much sums up how my night went.

The weather on Labor Day was so perfect that we spent the whole day outside. We had a picnic at the park with the neighbors and Good's. As much as we use it, the park alone is reason enough to live in LIC. These pics of us were taken using a vintage photo app on Kara's iphone. I've always liked vintage cameras and photograghy and would go nuts if it was mine.
Today was another day off for both of us (tough lives, I know). We took a yoga class this afternoon and finally found a rug for our living room at Crate & Barrel so that Pup doesn't bust her a$$ everytime she jumps on and off the couch.
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