Sunday, December 30, 2012
I Rebuke Driving Drama!
The trip began with a promising start. For one, I left work early the night before (my last night at Bourbon St!) which is a very important step to ensuring an overall pleasant drive. If I don't get close to eight hours of sleep, things are not pretty... Jen can attest to this. Second, Enterprise Rent-A-Car was very organized, upgraded us to a midsize sedan, and had me in and out within fifteen minutes. Third, we actually left the house ahead of schedule and experienced little traffic getting out of NYC that Saturday morning. The car's low tire pressure light did come on just seconds after I started the car, but Jen did a quick walk around and the tires looked fine. Plus, those pressure sensors are too sensitive anyway. Right? Let's go!
We were cruising along in our roomy Dodge sedan, making great time, when Jen and I decided we should get off at the next best exit for a food/ bathroom break. As we approached the turn towards Long John Silvers (I was pretty excited about eating there for some strange reason) and a Shell gas station we heard a strange noise coming from the back of the vehicle. Imagine the sound a completely flat tire makes in motion... got it?... that's exactly what our car sounded like. I pulled over at Shell and Jen quickly jumped out to find a blown rear, passenger side tire. Long story short, by the time we spoke with the 1-800 Enterprise people, unloaded our full trunk, replaced the flat with the 55 mph spare, got the flat into the small space provided by the spare and then reloaded the trunk, drove to an Enterprise-approved Firestone service station in rural PA, and got back on track, we were delayed by about three hours. At this point I figured out why we were "upgraded" and given such quick service. Why God, why!? So much for making good time. But hey, it could always be worse right?
As for our Rexrode family Christmas, it was a very typical, wonderful vacation. Thank you family for all you did for us and all those nice gifts. It's too much! I brought my video camera and you'll just have to wait, on the edge of your seat no doubt, for the Rexrode Christmas 2012 video to be premiered (hopefully before the end of this week) here on RexrodeAndTheCity.
Much like the beginning of our trip to Virginia, we were making great time on the way back to NYC. So much so that we were convinced that, even if we hit a little traffic, we could make it home in less than seven hours for once. HA! Not if the Lincoln Tunnel had anything to do with it. We came to a complete stop at the tolls before the tunnel and sat there for so long that I had to get out and pee on the side of the road and Jen had to... well she won't let me tell that part of the story, sorry. Lol. It's a strange feeling going numero uno with your back to the hundreds of people watching you from their cars. Lets just say it's not for guys with stage fright. Anyway, after the toll we occasionally crept along at 2 mph all the way to the entrance to the tunnel. All in all it was about a three hour delay. Sound familiar? Ya, we left Granny's at 11 AM and got home around 9 PM. What we went through could be used as some kind of sick anxiety/stress training for the military or something. I think I'd rather be water boarded. But hey, as I always say, it could be worse right?
Like I said in my last post, I was wishing for normalcy this holiday season. In terms of normalcy I feel like I got the equivalent of a stocking full of coal. But hey, it could always be worse right? We're happy, healthy, now have lots of nice new things from Christmas, and looking forward to the new year.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A New Season and Holiday Gridlock
It's also a very exciting time for recent grads. My original class just took and passed the national board exam and are finding jobs with no problem. Our college has one of the highest pass rates, at 91%! Things look good. Dr. Engel, our awesome program director, spoke with us about the temporary license application process and different employment options last night. It was very encouraging. It looks like, if I find an employer to sponsor me, I can begin working by the beginning of February. Prayers for that!
Right now I'm looking most forward to the holidays and having a few final weeks off in the beginning of the new year. I mean after that you enter into the slippery slope of adulthood right? The life of forty hour work weeks, fifty weeks a year, for forty or so years? Eek!
Speaking of the holidays, we're looking forward to our trip to VA. I'll be taking the cameras so plan on watching an awesome Rexrode Christmas video in a few weeks.
Holiday Traffic, 5th Ave and 34th St, 1948 |
Two years ago it wasn't traffic that was the problem necessarily, but a historically horrendous blizzard. Our economy car miraculously got us home without getting stuck in the show but we were forced to spend a night in Bethlehem (PA) like the holy family. Looking back it's pretty funny. Our Chevy Aveo was passing 4 wheel drive vehicle left and right (baby Jesus take the wheel!). The hotel clerk specifically told us that there were no dogs allowed so we had to sneak Pup in and out the back door like a hideaway Jew.
What a Christmas that was! And with that being said, all I want for Christmas is normalcy.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Change for the Better
So with time comes change to RexrodeAndTheCity. Positive change. :)
For one, I recently added a link to my Flikr account so you can view all the NYC pics taken from my new(ish) Canon Rebel. We recently went to Rockefeller Center to see the big tree. We saw a guy propose to his girlfriend on the ice-skating rink there. Below is a slideshow of the pics straight from Flikr.
Before visiting the Tree we had a belated anniversary dinner at Becco, our favorite restaurant in the city. The food was soooo delicious and filling. We tried to work off some of the carbs by walking to see the department store windows but it got too cold so fast. Pardon any of the pictures that look blurry. In low light situations it's important to keep the camera steady (since the shutter is open longer to let in more light it also picks up more movement), a task that's not easy while shivering with numb fingers.
Anyway, my favorite addition to the blog is my personal Twitter feed, @MattRexrode. You may have heard of Twitter but what exactly is it you ask? Well, at the heart of Twitter are small texts called Tweets. Each Tweet is 140 characters or less which you can do a surprising amount with. You can see photos, videos and conversations and get a whole story at a glance. It's a fast way for me to keep up with people I "follow" and keep you all connected at the same time.
So, although less posts may be composed each month, you'll be much more informed on my day-to-day life through my Twitter feed. It's always at the top of the homepage!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Un-Pop Music
As of Friday I’m officially done with all clinical affiliations. ‘Bout time. This past assignment at Lutheran Medical Center was such a great experience. As promised there was medicine, neuro rehab, and just a lot of aspects of therapy that I hadn’t seen before. Leaving the hospital and my wonderful patients was bitter-sweet. I could see myself working there and made sure to leave a good impression. The PT staff continued to remind me to leave my resume with the director when I left, which I did, and I took that as a good sign. If it’s meant to be it will work out.
At this point I’m just a board exam prep test and a temporary license away from finding a job in the new year. I can take my permanent license exam in April (it’s only offered a few times a year, unfortunately).
Those who know me know that I love to have my holidays off. And by that I don’t just mean Thanksgiving Day or just Christmas Eve and Day… I mean the weeks surrounding them. I don’t know what I’ll do when I have a real job (that I like enough not to quit) that only allows Locationa few weeks of vacation time in a whole year. Eek. Luckily it worked out for us again this year. Jens amazing employer has never given her trouble about time off and I’m quitting good ‘ole Bourbon St. before we leave for Christmas. The restaurant has been good to me in many ways and I’ve technically been there longer than any other job… almost three years! But it’s time to say goodbye.
I’m sure you’re still getting earfuls about the ongoing hurricane recovery in NYC area. Other than Staten Island and the low lying beach areas, things are almost back to normal. We donated some clothes that we don’t wear any more to Staten Island families that lost everything which felt good… we really needed the closet space (kidding). Businesses in our neighborhood that were severely damaged, like LIC Bar and City Vet/LIC Doghouse on our corner have just reopened in the past few days. Although we don't visit the bar that often, it really brings life to our block. While it was closed we realized how eerie and quiet it would be at night without them.
Our apartment still doesn’t have heat which hasn’t really been a big deal. Electricity and hot running water are the big ones. Our landlord is supposedly having trouble finding a boiler that will work in our building. Anyway, we should have heat by the time we return from Thanksgiving in FL
Friday, November 9, 2012
Bird Baths
Things are somewhat back to normal following the damage brought on by the hurricane. Somewhat. Tunnels and bridges, like LIC's Midtown Tunnel, are opening and trains, like our local G are beginning to run again. I guess the newest development is the gas shortage in the area. Thank God, this is one thing Jen and I don't have to worry about. People with cars are freaking out: going hunting for gas on their lunch breaks, storing extra tanks full of gas in their cars (can you say car-bomb!?), and siphoning of course.
Good news, we are living in our own apartment again. We have electricity but no heat or hot water because of all that was water damaged in the basement. We have two small electric heaters (don't worry, we are careful and never leave them on when we're away) to keep us fairly warm. In order to bathe without freezing to death we heat water on the stove in a big pot. We try to think of it as really luxurious camping, instead of a really sad normal shower. My coworker told me that in Gayana, this style of bathing is called a "bird bath." It's been interesting but it could always be worse.
Jen went back to work Thursday for the first time in almost two weeks. She then worked today and now has a three day weekend... funny. She's happy to be back to work and they're happy to have her back too.
Next week is my last week of my final clinical assignment. I'll then get my temp license (that I'll use until I take my board exam in April) and look for the right job after the holidays. Every student at Lutheran Medical must do a PT related presentation, termed an in-service. I picked a few topics that I was interested in and my clinical instructor, PT director, and I narrowed it down to one: Diabetic Neuropathy. I present on Thursday so wish me luck.
Luckily, I was able to reschedule the surgery observation I was supposed to attend the morning that Sandy attacked. The downside is that I'm working at the restaurant Sunday night until God knows when because I really didn't have enough time to request it off. It's all good. After these last few weeks, what can't we handle?
Friday, November 2, 2012
The View
This is the view from our temporary home in LIC. Not too shabby. Warm, fed, and showered this morning. Feeling better. Jen and I may try the ferry to Wall St to see how easy it will be to take it to work. Wish us luck!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
I'm a Survivor
We are so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors and friends. The two couples upstairs and us have been sticking together and doing as much as we can for each other. We were invited over for a hot meal at a friend of a friend’s house last night which was great. We also have friends who are traveling until November 12th and donated their high-rise apartment to our neighbors and us while they're gone. So, we now have a place to shower, cook, and thaw out from time to time.
Jen and I are trying to figure out when it's appropriate to even try to get to work. Jen's downtown work neighborhood is a big, wet, mess and the part of Brooklyn I work in would take me almost three hours to get to by bus (because there are no trains running there) and that's not including insane traffic and delays. I plan on going to work at the restaurant on Saturday night. I think the N train is running there... worst case scenario I ride my bike over the 59th street bridge. That would actually be the quickest method of getting places no matter where you're going at this point.
Below are some videos I found on Youtube of our neighborhood under water. In the first video the white building down the street on the left (before the large green building) is ours. In the second video is footage of the flooding around the high-rises closer to the water. The water got much higher than what’s shown. The building you can see across the street is actually the one we’re living out of right now.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Scary, Spicy, Sandy Weekend

Monday, October 22, 2012
Hot-lanta Video
We spent the weekend before last in Atlanta for my cousin Kelly's wedding. Congrats Nicols family! It was a beautiful wedding and a great excuse to see family that I hadn't seen since moving to New York. That's too long! As promised I made a video of the weekend (which is why this post took about a week to be published) and I really like how it turned out. Jen's friend who watched Pup while we were gone fell in love with her.They were really sad when we picked her up Monday night and Pup didn't seem too sure she wanted to leave them either. By now Pup's back to her old ways and it's all good. Hope you enjoy my video.
Oh, make sure you turn it way up at the end while we're having our picture taken. What everyone is saying is hilarious. My favorite is when Papa says,"I gotta get straight, I gotta shuffle one time right here."
ATLANTA WEDDING from Matt Rexrode on Vimeo.
Friday, October 12, 2012
"There's No Tomorrow, There's Just Today"
The patients are much more entertaining to me in an inpatient setting. I treat an old man for general weakness secondary to surgery that started out so weak and quiet. Now we can’t get him to stop talking or singing random songs from “There’s No Tomorrow” by Dean Martin (his favorite) and “The Star Spangled Banner.” He loves to talk about old movies, many of which I know thanks to my black-and-white-obsessed Mother. I was naming the old movies I like per his request (all the ones I had seen pretty much) during a walk. When I mentioned, “All About Eve” he almost fell over, exclaiming that it was his favorite movie of all time and for the rest of the day wouldn’t stop rattling off every Betty Davis movie. He’s quite the character and he’s not even one of the mental patients. Maybe I’ll talk about my favorite crazy in my next post.
The hospital is just a few blocks from the water among a lot of old warehouses, shipping docks, and a navy yard. As Brooklyn was developed long before the island of Manhattan, many of the old, dilapidated brick buildings along the water have dates laid in them from the early and mid 1800’s. With nice views of downtown, The Statue of Liberty, and Jersey, when the weather is warm (not today!) it’s nice to spend some of my lunch break walking around by the water.
We are going to my cousin Kelly’s wedding this weekend near Atlanta. Tonight Jen dropped Pup off with her friends that are dog-sitting for us until Monday. She said it was hard to say goodbye. Pup always looks longingly at Jen, even when I'm taking her on a walk she knows Jen’s not going on. I Guess we know who Pup loves more... naturally. I’m sure Pup will do just fine and have a great time as a Jersey girl for the weekend.
I've been wanting to try some more new things with my Powerdirector 10 video producer and this weekend should give me some footage to play around with. I'll try to edit and post a video by the end of next week so stay tuned.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Oh Bother
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Photo ID
Monday, September 24, 2012
Shotgun Wedding
I did work late Saturday night which meant skipping church and sleeping in Sunday. No worries, Jesus came to our house and we watched a few online sermons by Joel Osteen. He's good.
We went into the city for a quick shopping trip (3 hours is fast for us) where I bought a pair of orange pants that I think I'll wear to a wedding (not Shotgun). They're Jen approved so I'm taking the chance.
Jen made a delicious dinner of stuffed cabbage before we went next door to listen to music. Pup lay in the kitchen, napping in the sun and waiting for Jen to drop something she could help clean up.
I took some pics throughout the day with my new Canon. Enjoy the short slideshow!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
N Train
With my new clinical assignment come some welcomed changes to our lives. For the first time… well ever, Jen and I are on a similar schedule. We’re now up in the morning at exactly the same time, something we originally thought would be a problem (i.e. our one butt bathroom… for tiny butts). But it’s not. For example, I take Pup for a nice early walk which helps me wake up and gives Jen time to get in (and out!) of the bathroom. Although I get out of the clinic a little earlier than Jen gets off work, my commute is longer at about an hour each way. I make only one transfer at Times Square and then have time to sit on the N train and study/read/write. The N enters Brooklyn from Manhattan by crossing over the Manhattan Bridge (you don't say!?) and the views of lower Manhattan, the One World Trade Center building, and the Brooklyn Bridge while up there are awesome. This picture is my best attempt at capturing the beauty using my phone on a shaky, moving train. Anyway, by the time we get the gym out of the way we’re pretty much home at the same time and doing dinner... like a normal married couple! I do miss having time off outside during the day, but this is nice.
Then there’s Pup of course, who we couldn't just leave inside for 9+ hours every weekday. We really had no choice but to pay the dog walker from LIC Doghouse (too conveniently right next door) to parade our dog around for thirty minutes in the middle of the day. Everyone there knows Pup now and loves her, naturally. One of the walkers said, “I used to think she was a b*tch (no pun intended) when I would see her barking at dogs on the street, but she’s actually really sweet.” Ha, that’s our girl.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
An Early Late Night
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tonight was beautiful and clear, perfect for looking downtown towards the World Trade Center site. Above are the twin lights of the 9/11 Memorial as seen from Long Island City taken by your's truly with my new camera!
The first thing Jen said when she saw it was, "Wow, you would think it takes a talented photographer to take pictures like that but it's just the camera." Thanks a lot. But really, I didn't do much. I just leveled the tripod, adjusted the settings for a night shot and then fired away. I am quite pleased.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Golden Boy Anyone?
Although most of the great free outdoor events of the summer have ended, there is still a lot to look forward to in the fall. There are the changing leaves to see in the parks, apple and pumpkin picking upstate, Fashion Week, The NYC Film Festival, The NYC Marathon (which runs right by our front door), and The Village Halloween Parade, just to name a few. This nice weather usually makes us want to go out so I've started a growing list of must-sees on our chalkboard wall.
I just ordered a lab coat, stethoscope, timex watch, and reflex hammer for my final affiliation at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn which starts in one week. I spoke with some faculty about my assignment today and they said it’s a great place and that they’re excited to see me going there. Actually, the professor that taught my orthopedic exercise class works there. We’ll see how it goes.
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Today I biked right by some filming for a new CBS tv show, Golden Boy, starring a bunch of actors I’ve never heard of. Ha. |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Labor Day in the West Village
One picture in the slideshow below is of a very narrow 75 1/2 Bedford St. The list of former owners and renters reads like a who’s who of New York. There’s the cartoonist William Steig, the anthropologist Margaret Mead, the writer Ann McGover, and supposedly both Cary Grant and John Barrymore spent time there. The home’s most notable resident, and the name etched into the plaque on its facade, is Edna St. Vincent Millay, the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. The building is about nine ft wide and stands in an old carriage passageway. For sale and now listed for about 4.5 million.
During all this touring, Jen was becoming a bit irritable due to low blood sugar so we decided to eat at one of the first restaurants we came across. In hindsight it might not have been the best choice. The waitress wasn't friendly, the food took forever and was wrong when it came out. The highlight of lunch was actor Sean William Scott, better known as Stiffler from the American Pie movies, walking his dog right by our table. We ended with a few cups of great coffee at Stumptown in the Ace Hotel, 29th St. and 5th Ave, before scenically bus-ing it through Manhattan, over the 59th St. bridge, and back home to LIC.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Watch My Back
Jen “flexed” last Friday which basically means we have a three day weekend together. Friday, after spending the morning getting those pesky essentials (GTL!) out of the way, we went to Chelsea Market and the Highline Park. Jen went to look at some new baking stuff while I took my camera to the Highline. It’s got to be one of the best places to take pictures in the city. I’ll include some pictures later, after I figure out how to do so, ha. I’m in the process of deciding which online photo sharing website would be best. The picture quality from my new camera is obviously much better than what’s taken by my phone.
Tonight Jen and I gave into those tempting “All you can eat shrimp” commercials for Red Lobster and did just that, literally. With the average, or medium sized shrimp containing little fat and only 6 calories (I looked it up while at the table) a person can actually eat quite a few of those little guys. The way the restaurant tries to slow your refills is with the heavy shrimp fettuccini alfredo, breaded and fried shrimp, and of course those notoriously irresistible cheddar bay biscuits. Although I found it physically impossible to eat less than three biscuits, we were otherwise smart about our all you can eat approach. I don’t think I’ll be wanting shrimp for a while.
The clientele at this particular Red Lobster, Queens, NY is always interesting. For example, as her eyes darted nervously around the room, the mother sitting next to us gave her young son a very important lesson from the streets: "It's important that I sit facing the door so I can see who's come'n and go'n, and then when you're grown you can watch my back." Can't learn that sh*t on Sesame Street kids.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Before putting a newspaper down it’s become a habit to flip to the daily horoscopes to check my own. Don’t worry, I check it about as often as a read a paper (not very). I don’t think daily horoscopes are true, in fact they’re usually the opposite, but they’re entertaining for a few seconds anyway.
For example, I had a good laugh today while reading my horoscope in the Reading Room at Bryant Park. I sent it to Jen and she said, “Ha, it’s almost sarcastic.” For those who really know me, we were most entertained by the first sentence. Enjoy the pic below from the paper itself.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The Pond, Central Park
It's hard to believe I took this pic myself today in Central Park, not to mention using the camera on my phone! It was a beautiful day biking around the city.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Yogis In The Park
One of my favorite things about summer in the city is the free yoga in Bryant Park. I don't go in to work until 1 on Tuesdays and took advantage of the 10 am class. Luckily, we made it all the way through before the rain started to fall. Now I'll just be in the best mood through my last week at the clinic.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Summer Streets
You can also thank my Nana for this post, who turned 79 yesterday! Surviving that long on this planet is really quite the accomplishment. Anyway, I talked to her for a bit and she told me how much so many people miss my more frequent blog postings. I don’t know how true that is, but it was inspiring to hear. Thanks.
I did have one day off in the past seven weeks, the day we went to Brighton Beach. It was such a great day, even with Pup in tow, that I made a little highlight video of our trip.
BRIGHTON BEACH VID from Matt Rexrode on Vimeo.
Today Jen and I road our bikes over the 59th St bridge into Manhattan to participate in the annual Summer Streets event. About half way up the bridge, I noticed Jen was starting to fall behind. It’s a good thing we stopped because she almost passed out, which she contributes to low blood sugar. Luckily we had some snacks packed! After some trail mix she was good to go for the day. Summer Streets happens on three consecutive Saturdays in the summer, about seven miles of NYC’s streets are closed (to traffic) for people to walk, bike, and just enjoy seeing the city from a different perspective. Summer Streets encourages New Yorkers to be more active and use more sustainable forms of transportation. There were really neat pit stops along the way with tons of freebees, rock climbing, zip lining and a market/picnic area by Whole Foods. Great day.
I do work tonight but gave up my Sunday shift. My schedule at the PT clinic changed a bit and I now go in at 7am on Mondays. Although this coming week is my last, it’s just too much to work late at the restaurant Sunday night and then get up that early to treat patients all day. Whoop for days off!
I’ve enjoyed my current clinical assignment. It was a good refresher of orthopedic/ sports injuries and treatments. My CI is very chill and turned out to be quite the comedian. Next assignment is in an inpatient setting so pray I get a good one!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Clinical Assignment Number Due
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Big 2-7
Friday, the day after my actual birthday, Jen and I had the day off together. We kept the celebration going and decided to spend the day at the King and Grove (Williamsburg) Hotel in Brooklyn. My friend Erin (from Bourbon Street) just got a job there cocktailing the pool and lounge area so she gave us the scoop on the new boutique hotel and free access to the saltwater pool. She hooked us up with cocktails and lunch as we lounged. It was my perfect day. When I’m at the dentist, mid-root canal, I just close my eyes and go to my new happy place… that pool. Ha.
After the pool we headed back home so I could take a nap ha, and get ready to go out that night. Especially in NYC, a birthday is also a great excuse to dine in a highly reviewed, fine restaurant. After a lot of back and forth on my part (what’s new?) I committed to Buddakan, an Asian restaurant in the Meat Packing District. We didn’t spot any celebrities, not because there weren’t any but because the food was so awesome and well presented that it took all our attention. We had a appetizer sampler called the Bo Bo plate with tuno spring rolls, carrot dumplings, and shrimp Toast. We also shared stir-fry noodles with prawns (delish!) and braised short ribs with Asian pears. Of course we had to try some dessert and got the Crying Chocolate which was basically chocolate mouse inside a chocolate tarte with chocolate and caramel sauce. Everything was awesome!
Because of the limitations of space in the city, most restaurants are on the small side. Buddakan is an exception… it’s huge! The ceilings are very high, even on the mezzanine. We got a great table for two that overlooked four huge chandeliers that hung above a long communal table and private rooms off the lower level. Also, along the walls on the first level were large glass cases filled with taxidermied animals native to Asia (I love taxidermy! ha).It was hard to take any good pictures inside because of the dim lighting but here’s one attempt.
After dinner we went to The Park (just a few blocks west on 10th Ave) to meet a group of friend’s for drinks. There was a good mix of my friend’s from work, school, and church. The Park is great because you can start at the main bar, move to the lounge as your party grows, and then upstairs to the nightclub to dance all without leaving the building. Good times!
I must say, this has been one of my best birthdays ever.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
My class and I had hours and hours of finals over the course of a few days which, no matter how prepared you are, are exhausting. By the time they were all over we were a little delirious but definitely had reason to celebrate so my class and I did just that the afternoon we finished. Shout out to Jamara who found a pub that would let use their grill and backyard for a bbq AND for providing all the food for our celebration. We couldn’t get too wild at our bbq because that night was my old class’s graduation/ pinning ceremony.
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The graduating class reading the professional oath |
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Sneeky Pup
Tonight we brought Pup with us to the NO DOGS ALLOWED Gantry Plaza Park on the water. We tried to "act natural" as two golf carts full of park maintainance staff passed by, but no one said a word. Enjoy this funny pic of the sun setting behind Manhattan
Saturday, June 2, 2012
My Loyal Pup
Business at BSB&G was great last night as people just kept coming in until around midnight. I took a cab home around 1:30 AM because it was raining and so late. This morning (about noon) Jen took this pic of Pup patiently waiting for me to wake up. It's good to know she still cares, ha.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Root Canal
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
White Collar
There's tons of filming going on in LIC for White Collar this week. I walked through a crime scene yesterday coming home from the post office and another set today. Here's a quick pic of the rows of star trailers
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Crawfish Boil
Last night was our annual crawfish boil at work so we were quite busy. Chef Paul was out on the patio with the big boiler which he filled with live crawfish, andouille sausage, potatoes, corn, mushrooms, and cajun seasoning. All staff got a plate full at the end of the night and it was pretty good. The house vegetarians all went home with a few pet crawfish... not kidding.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Lobby Day
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(Olithea is the girl with the short hair on the steps and throughout the video on the left)
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Briefing on the 3 hour bus ride to Albany |
Friday, May 4, 2012
Porgy and Bess
My folks, g-parents, and bro are here in NY to visit us for the first time. Jen and I have a lot planned for them, maybe too much for a group not used to the city's pace. But they're doing well and we're playing everyday by ear.
Last night we went to Becco for dinner and then strolled down 46th st to see Broadway's Porgy and Bess. Great show. Jen and I aren't crazy about opera style singing but everyone enjoyed it I think.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Every six weeks or so when I feel I need a haircut, I take a trip to China. Well, Chinatown. I found Kelly's Salon on Pell St. through a Yelp article featuring the best and cheapest barber shops of NYC. Peter, the owner, is very skilled and is like a wise,old, asian grandfather. The optional wash, head and neck massage from the ladies isn't bad either. All for $11... in NYC! I've been going for over a year now and recommend them to anyone, especially guys looking for an affordable barber.
Taking the 6 train to Canal is also an excuse to visit the authentic Chinese markets for a good (and cheap) lunch.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Panera Bread Comes to Manhattan!
Along with Publix, Panera Bread is an establishment we always wished would come to NYC. Well after church ysterday, as we were walking to lunch I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted a Panera across the street. Full of disbelief, we changed our plans and jaywalked straight there.

The place is just a few months old. They have a few long communal tables with an outlet nearby for laptops. It was perfect for getting some school work done so we stayed a while and I did just that while Jen read on her Kindle. You-pick-two's... scones... iced green tea... yum.
And more Paneras are coming soon! Even one in our favorite part of town, Union Square.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Beach Friday's: 1st Edition
Jen and I came up with the great idea to spend every other Friday (her flex Fridays) at the beach when it's warm this Spring and Summer. Today we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the closest, and debatably nicest beach close to NYC, Brighton Beach. As it always seems to happen, when we arrived it was overcast and about ten degrees colder than what forcasted. We still had fun laughing at ourselves being some of the only few people on the beach as far as we could see. I took a few good pics and played around with the effects on the ride home.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Food Cellar & Co. Tastings

Most of the goods available to sample were local and all natural which we appreciate. Some of our favs were G-ma's chocolate cake, locally made icecreams, and sticky toffee cheese (which I purchased). Pup enjoyed the all natural chicken cordon bleau samples we brought home too. Enjoy the pics!
Oh, also tomorrow "30 Rock" is filming on our street somewhere. If only we weren't going to the beach we would try to get some pics with Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Not So Wild Spring Break
While here they got to eat at my restaurant, went on a circle line cruise around the city, had good pizza and visited central park, times square, and grand central. Both of my cousins are teenagers and thus too cool for NYC so I hope they had some fun… you never can tell. Oddly enough, the most fun I saw them have was in our little children’s playground at the waterfront park. Kind of like the kids who get something awesome for Christmas and play with the box it came in. The best food they claimed to eat was a burger at a Mexican restaurant, ha. Another priceless moment was when my Granny Joyce, who hates exercise, just stood at the bottom of a flight of stairs in the subway and screamed because she didn’t want to climb them. As you can imagine we got some really crazy looks from New Yorkers. In an attempt to look more normal I guess, David told everyone that had witnessed her outburst that she was drunk. And that’s only the funny business I was around to witness…