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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

7 Days...

Like the creepy whisper from the dead girl in "The Ring," I have seven days. One week from today I will be in NYC. The spa members in my aerobics class were kind enough to surprise me with balloons and a card and lots of picture today. I'm blessed to have such great classes and will miss you all.

I try to blog while Jen's not around because it makes her sad. I remind her though that she has her friends, family, and lets not forget pup here with her.Our balcony birds are getting pretty big. We're waiting to see if they are going to leave the nest the day I fly out which would be some heavy symbolism.

Nothing out of the ordinary is happening. It's a challenge to deal with the criticism, skepticism, and pessimism around me which is just in people's nature I guess. Those things won't do a thing for me though so, what do we say children? If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all hehe.

I'm going to get a hold of some pictures of today's class party and also have some of my personal training client's before-and-after pics coming soon.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Balls Out

Our equipment today in conditioning included a stability ball, weights, and mats

Holy S! I cannot believe how real the move is becoming. I sent a deposit for the apartment and bought my first ever one way ticket. Since I won't need one anymore, I had the car washed so that it will be clean when we take it to Orlando for my brother to drive. Although it's exciting to go but sad to be away from Jen I wouldn't say it feels bittersweet. To me it just feels necessary for us to accomplish some things seperately before attaining something even greater together. We have actually done it before, it was annoying but we can do anything.

My 9:00am Total Body Power regulars gave me a great send off today after there last Saturday class with me. Thank you for all the nice things you said and the encouragent you have given me over the last year or so. You made it fun for me to make it fun for you. Ok maybe not fun, but effective!? :)

Pup has lodged herself between my left arm and the keyboard which, after a little typing makes me feel like I'm developing carpal tunnel. We call her Magic Pup because she can suddenly be sitting some place random like on your shoulder, leaving you wondering how she managed to get there. Going out for a quick walk with little houdini. Peace.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Animal Attraction

Great weekend, although Valentine’s Day in particular was… an experience. After church we went to the champagne brunch at The Rusty Pelican where at one point we considered having our wedding reception. The fare and panoramic view of Tampa Bay was the best and I regret not taking a picture.
After brunch we rolled, I mean drove to the Lowry Park Zoo. It was $5 day and a little crowded but I could still see why it is rated #1 in the country. Better than the Bronx Zoo even. I’m a sucker for petting zoos so we had to hit that up. My favorite attraction was probably the giraffes. Around two we made our way back to the car to get to yoga before dinner with the in-laws. As the car came into view I realized we were blocked in. Who does that!? People are not smart! So needless to say after the parking guys unsuccessfully tried to “bounce” the other car out of the way and waiting for a tow truck, we missed yoga. We did however meet the director of the park who gave us 4 free tickets and some water. She was very nice and we will go back!
In more animal news our balcony bird, who remains nameless is feeding her two little chicks. Pup has given her intimidation tactics a rest but still keeps an eye on them as the mother vomits into her babies little mouths. How cute.

Oh, I think I found a furnished room in NYC! My roommate would be French and lives in Sunnyside which is conveniently located two stops on the 7 from school. We’re working out some details but should finalize tomorrow. I’m also learning that a few pals from high school live in the city, crazy. I don’t consider it a coincidence, but that God is just working it all out for us. We had Crockpot Beef Bourgignon for dinner, viva la France!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Before and After

This rain and cold makes perfect blogging, reading, napping weather. I better get used to it. A frequent guest at the spa and Manhattan native tells me that NYC March is quite unpredictable. She laughed when I asked if they have to use snow plows in the city. I take that as a yes.
This poor bird on our balcony is still alive, surviving the overnight lows and worse, Pup's death stare. She seems like a kind pigeon though ha.
I have found so much, too much as far as housing goes. I just need to make a decision and stop waiting for something even better to open up. It's just 4 months. And a job? Don't ask. It's like I don't exist just because I don't live there.
People ask me daily how married life is. I usually answer, "horrible." But seriously, it's great. Our first Valentines Day married is this weekend so we will do something, depending on the weather. Maybe brunch, the fair, or Lowry Park Zoo. We generally like to take trips, not buy things.
Ok, I saved the best for last so you would read the whole post ha. My client Betty Lou and her awesome before and after pictures. She is such an open minded hard worker and deserves recognition. These results ARE typical with Matt's personal training and the pics have not been touched up at all, this isn't O Magazine.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Who likes Mondays? As the first day of the work-week they get a bad rap. But what I need today is a big case of the Mondays because it’s my day off! I started this glorious day at 7AM with a pot of Kona coffee. Yes it’s 100% and yes I might be misspelling it. I layered up and took a walk with Pup who had a surprisingly normal bowel movement (TMI), considering all the junk we call people food she consumed during the super bowl. Not that I didn’t eat my share. 
The highlight of the night was that Jen won both the half time and final score betting and she took home $50. WHO DAT!? Carrie Underwood looked and sounded great as always opening with the National Anthem, but The Who halftime show was boring. Ever since Justin and Janet and her”faulty wardrobe” you’d think they elected PBS to plan the show. I noticed the fifty year olds sang along while the younger crowd used the time to catch up on their online social networking.
After our walk I applied to two jobs, both in restaurants in NYC, which took almost an hour. We’ll see if they think I’m worth waiting until March for. I feel so sorry for the people who have been out of work for years. It takes so much out of you, I cannot imagine applying to jobs and interviewing for that long.
Make sure to work in some physical activity considering yesterday’s caloric intake. I heard that the average American consumes 3000 calories during the game! Tonight’s dinner is sausage and peppers.
Music for this chill day would be anything by Jason Mraz.
I‘ll also have to make some time to read the Wally Lamb book I’ve abandoned lately.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Balcony Bird

Other than the fact that she barks at every dog that walks by, there's a new reason we can't leave pup alone on the balcony. A pigeon has made a nest (pic) on the ledge and is sitting on one egg. Hope it hatches before I move.
Tonight we made white pizza for dinner. I noticed I post about food and probably won't talk about it any less once I move so I'll try to write about books and music too. Anyway, I used to hate pizza... and then I had real pizza made by real Italians ha. Ours was tasty, and all natural.
Let's see, books. The theme lately seems to be teen suicide. I'd say by chance but Jen picked both out for me. Maybe it's a cry for help (kidding). I just finished The Pact by Jodi Picault and just started The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. This is my third Wally Lamb book so I guess he's one of my favorite authors.
And for music, I watched a little American Idol tonight. Does that count? Denver needs some better voices.