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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

7 Days...

Like the creepy whisper from the dead girl in "The Ring," I have seven days. One week from today I will be in NYC. The spa members in my aerobics class were kind enough to surprise me with balloons and a card and lots of picture today. I'm blessed to have such great classes and will miss you all.

I try to blog while Jen's not around because it makes her sad. I remind her though that she has her friends, family, and lets not forget pup here with her.Our balcony birds are getting pretty big. We're waiting to see if they are going to leave the nest the day I fly out which would be some heavy symbolism.

Nothing out of the ordinary is happening. It's a challenge to deal with the criticism, skepticism, and pessimism around me which is just in people's nature I guess. Those things won't do a thing for me though so, what do we say children? If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all hehe.

I'm going to get a hold of some pictures of today's class party and also have some of my personal training client's before-and-after pics coming soon.

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