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Monday, February 8, 2010


Who likes Mondays? As the first day of the work-week they get a bad rap. But what I need today is a big case of the Mondays because it’s my day off! I started this glorious day at 7AM with a pot of Kona coffee. Yes it’s 100% and yes I might be misspelling it. I layered up and took a walk with Pup who had a surprisingly normal bowel movement (TMI), considering all the junk we call people food she consumed during the super bowl. Not that I didn’t eat my share. 
The highlight of the night was that Jen won both the half time and final score betting and she took home $50. WHO DAT!? Carrie Underwood looked and sounded great as always opening with the National Anthem, but The Who halftime show was boring. Ever since Justin and Janet and her”faulty wardrobe” you’d think they elected PBS to plan the show. I noticed the fifty year olds sang along while the younger crowd used the time to catch up on their online social networking.
After our walk I applied to two jobs, both in restaurants in NYC, which took almost an hour. We’ll see if they think I’m worth waiting until March for. I feel so sorry for the people who have been out of work for years. It takes so much out of you, I cannot imagine applying to jobs and interviewing for that long.
Make sure to work in some physical activity considering yesterday’s caloric intake. I heard that the average American consumes 3000 calories during the game! Tonight’s dinner is sausage and peppers.
Music for this chill day would be anything by Jason Mraz.
I‘ll also have to make some time to read the Wally Lamb book I’ve abandoned lately.

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