After getting up a little later today, I headed to the gym to get moving. It was another, but hopefully our last cold, rainy day from the storm. The picture below, taken from the station close to my apartment shows the gloomy NYC skyline.

From there I headed to the last stop on the 7, Times Square which, even on a crappy day was clogged with tourists who can't read maps, work their cameras, or... ew, I sound like a bitter New Yorker. Anyway, once I got out of there I headed to H&M to buy a black shirt for work and then to my last day of training. I took my own tables and learned the closing procedures, piece of cake.

Above are the pictures from my pool class send-off that I have been waiting on forever! Thank you Dorothy and Evelyn for getting them to me. There are many regulars that are not in this photo because the weather was still a little chilly at the time. My lovely pool ladies (and a few gents) got me a nice card and all those balloons in the background.
Although it's supposed to be warmer and clear for the next week or so, I love the contrast between the pictures in this post. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum!
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