I started today with my second NYC yoga class. The instructor was no Ann Hodges but it was more than I would have done lying in my warm, dry bed. The weather will stay consistently miserable until Tuesday when it will, according to weather.com, warm up by 10 degrees with full sun. woo! After having soaking wet shoes for four hours at work, I’m ready for the change.
Work is going well. I can tell that once I get through training I’ll enjoy the place. Great staff, fun crowd, DJ/VJ at night, and free employee meals. I remember loving the really busy nights at Snead’s in Downtown Orlando when it felt like you were just at a big party.
Tomorrow morning is church so hopefully my black shoes will be dry by then. I packed pretty lightly for this 4 month move: black, brown, and tennis shoes. Some church friends invited me out tonight but with the monsoon and daylight savings time the plans fell apart. It’ll be good to see them again.

In music news, Lady Gaga released her video for Telephone ft. Beyonce and the video is insane. I don’t necessarily mean that in a good way either. She is… different, but judging by the way the crowd reacts when the DJ plays her songs NYC seems to be gaga for Gaga. Appropriately, I have added a pic of Jen as Lady Gaga from Halloween. The funniest part was that half the party didn’t know who she was… who else could she be people!?
You need a pair of galoshes! Get used to it my friend!!! m-i-l