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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 1 NYC

I’m here! Getting here was surprisingly smooth, especially compared to my last flight up. Leaving Jen at the airport was the hard part but she’s ok now. I was at my front door for four months by 10 this morning. It’s a basement unit in a private home so I was expecting the low ceilings and mustiness but it seems clean. One can never be too sure though so I spent the first hour or so using disinfecting wipes on EVERYTHING. I met the homeowner, a sweet old Greek lady, who leases to my roommate, who then rents a room to me. She filled me in on some things and I checked out the hood which I like. It’s filled with old brick homes separated by gardens on tree lined streets. This might be considered part of Sunnyside Gardens but I’m not sure. There’s so much within walking distance including the stop-n-shop supermarket, my next stop. Turns out they carry organic milk and eggs woo!

Later I headed to school to hear Clarence Chan, a professor in the department speak about PTA. It was not fun to hear how demanding my clinical and internships will be but encouraging to hear that employers will be fighting over me once I’m licensed. I planned to check on my financial aid but decided against it after getting a two hour wait quote. I’ll go back first thing tomorrow and try again.

Tonight I’ll skype with Jen, do some online job hunting, and make a plan for tomorrow. My goal: alteast an interview. Wish me luck! Today was sunny in Sunnyside but tomorrow might bring a little snow. Below is my bedroom window, enjoy the view.

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